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About Sci-Sim

Sci-Sim is a platform dedicated to providing specialized software tools for research and insightful content on the latest technological advancements in laboratory, research, and QC/QA instrumentation. Developed in 2020, we focus on empowering researchers and professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in their fields.

What We Offer:

Who We Serve:

Our History:

Founded in 2020, Sci-Sim was born from a desire to bridge the gap between cutting-edge technology and practical research applications. We recognized the need for specialized software tools and easily accessible information on the latest advancements in scientific instrumentation, and we set out to create a platform that would meet those needs.

Stay Connected:

We encourage you to explore our website, discover our software tools, and delve into our informative blogs. We also invite you to join our newsletter and stay updated on the latest developments at Sci-Sim.

Contact us

WhatsApp: +27635392930
LinkedIn: linkedin